Diversity and Inclusivity in the Workplace

3 min readFeb 2, 2022

Diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace are receiving increasing attention in the wake of social and political changes and the rise of globalisation and connectivity. However, diversity remains complex, with no single solution regarding its implementation. Therefore, one can question if the attention diversity and inclusivity receive is being realised in the workplace…do you believe your workplace to be dedicating focus to this issue?

Why is diversity important for organisations?

A diverse workplace should allow for a variety of perspectives and opinions to be heard, which can foster a culture of creativity and innovation. Having different ways of thinking in the workforce can spark new ideas and resolutions to problems, that may not be generated from a group of like-minded individuals. It is important that companies not only ensure they have a diverse workforce but utilise the diversity in their talent by creating an environment where open dialogue is not only respected but encouraged. The spill over effects from such measures can improve employee morale and productivity within a company, it can also aid in expanding into new areas of opportunity, especially in the globalised market. The improved cultural awareness of a company will allow for better interchange within its global sector.

So, how can a company create a more diverse environment?

There are many different factors to consider when fostering diversity, to name a few:

  • Gender
  • Sexual orientation
  • Religion
  • Culture
  • Ethnicities
  • Racial backgrounds
  • Language
  • Educational backgrounds
  • Working backgrounds
  • Skills and abilities

First, a company should acknowledge the differences that already exist within its workforce and make sure diversity is integrated into its values and mission. Unconscious biases must be tackled when hiring, through building a diverse hiring team or using external recruiters. Hiring outside of your immediate network is essential and showing your company is creating more inclusion efforts and diversity initiatives will also attract a range of talent who share these values. Leading companies such as Google, are renowned for incorporating diversity into their workplace through inclusion focused programmes and partnering with organisations that represent a diverse portion of the population.

It is essential that companies also prepare for the challenges that can arise from the changes that diversity and inclusivity bring to the workplace. Diversity will result in a variety of different cultures, backgrounds, traditions, values and etiquette, which could potentially lead to conflicts. Actions, gestures and body language from people of a different culture could appear insensitive or offensive to another. For example, in the Japanese culture pointing at people or things is considered very rude, whereas this is a common practice in the west. To encourage understanding and mutual respect for other traditions and values, companies can establish employee guidelines and foster an environment with open communication. Employees need to feel valued and comfortable to share information about their various backgrounds, which will help in avoiding potential misunderstandings.

Overall, improving your company’s inclusivity and awareness of diversity should only benefit your team and business. It may take external help to show you the areas you need to improve or even internal feedback from your team but there is now worldwide talent ready to connect and enhance your workplace.

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Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash




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